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Fuman Power Chip

DW02R - Lithium Battery Protection
  • DW02R - Lithium Battery Protection

DW02R - Lithium Battery Protection

The DW02R series circuit is a single section built-in MOSFET rechargeable lithium battery protection circuit, which combines high-precision overvoltage charging protection, overvoltage discharge protection, overcurrent discharge protection and other performance in one。Under normal conditions, the VDD terminal voltage of DW02R is between the overvoltage charging protection threshold (VOC) and the overvoltage discharge protection threshold (VOD), and its VM detection terminal voltage is between the charger detection voltage (VCHG) and the overcurrent discharge protection threshold (VEDI). At this time, DW02R conducts the built-in N-MOS transistor. At this time, the charger can be used to charge the battery or the load can be used to discharge the battery
    1. Ideal protection circuit for single lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries
    2. Built in low conductivity and internal resistance N-MOSFET
    3. High precision overcharging protection voltage detection 4.3V ± 50mV
    4. High precision over discharge protection voltage detection 2.4V ± 100mV
    5. High precision overcurrent discharge protection detection
    6. Battery short circuit protection
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